On a night tour. Such an amazing experience. Gabriel is so charming as a person that he makes this experience completely his own.We could not have asked for anything more. (Well okay, more time to float in this bubble, so next year I reserve the whole weekend here) My heart has truly been moved. What a wonderful experience!

Tii-Anna Vanhanen
Sea Kayaking

The movement explorations were Super important for me to tune in to the curious and improvisatory state of mind in aquatic work and learning process. In my opinion I was provided with a nice balance of thecnique and encouragement to be explorative and find my own style.. ..Personally I enjoyed a lot the anatomical approach and touch work in finding my neck and hara area. Having spent so much time in the past years with anatomy and the emphasis of anatomical knowledge when treating people I was Super happy that it was part of the education in an explorative way… ..My experience is that you took AMAZINGLY good care of the group process and really were feeling where the group is at any moment and what it needs to bloom.. …I’m impressed by both of you and the way you work together. Aguahara is total magic and is good that it is the knowledge of it is transferred by people who respect what they are teaching and the way that it is taught. By heart magic people 🙂

Sara La Mela
AguaHara training 3 weeks

Learning about Aguahara and being guided by gentleness, humor and supportive presence of Gabriel and ElinMaria made the aquatic journey a very enjoyable and inspiring experience. Detailed learning of various techniques and invitation for improvised movement make a great combination for aquatic bodywork. Group support and co-learning with very amazing heartfelt participants along with Gabriel and ElinMaria have created magical moments of trust and community. Finding gratitude and connection with ourselves, with the water and with each other has given me such a gift <3

Antton Niemelä
Aguahara Training of 3 weeks

I love the way you ElinMaria and Gabriel can combine an intimate, earthy and cute atmosphere with very professional vibe of teaching. It’s a great combo!

Eeva-Maija Vehviläinen

The film highlights the human aspect of the archipelago in an entirely new way and beautifully illuminates the diversity of people in everyday situations within a completely unique environment. The film resonates with the innermost essence of the Archipelago Sea’s UNESCO biosphere reserve, “Man and the Biosphere,” a balance between people and nature.

Katja Bonnevier
Människor vid hav -film

You both have a gentle and playful way of guiding and I had some amazing experiences! While playing in the snow, I was a child and I forgot everything else, spinning on the floor brought me closer to my innermost being. And while following the authentic movement, I forgot the difference between the mover and the moved, nature and man/human body seemed to be similar parts of nature. Thank you for maintaining the space and facing all the feelings. I personally really liked the lifting exercises!

AnneMari Salminen
Lumi New Years Dance

A big THANK YOU to ElinMaria Moving Heart from us in Korpo FRK 😍 Elin Maria has spread joy at elderly care Service (boende Regnbågen/Palvelutalo Sateenkaari) with her artistic dance and movement exercises together with the clients.

Korpo Red Cross
Dance and storytelling

Dear lovely ElinMaria and dear lovely Gabriel, kiitos paljon ja tack for our magnificant Lappi gathering, it gave me confidence in dancing more CI in the future. Your pure, clear, enthusiastic approach helped me a lot to feel safe and create a joyful space full of trust, responsibility and self-care. I will definetly go with you once again on such a journey.

Lappi New Years Dance

Leirin ulkoympäristö oli ihana. Ryhmän koko tuntui sopivalta, tilaa oli hyvin ja riittävän pieni ryhmäkoko teki yhdessäolosta yhteisöllistä. Ohjattuja tunteja, jameja ja vapaa-aikaa oli sopivassa suhteessa. Ohjelmarunko oli selkeä ja hyvä. Tunnelma oli kannustava ja mukaanottava. Oli kiva, että leirillä oli keskenään erityyppisiä harjoituksia. Välillä keskityttiin enemmän teknisiin asioihin, välillä hassuteltiin.


I take with me all the nice exercises of landing in the body in different ways, and I want to integrate them more into my everyday life. I got reminded it doesn’t take much to ground myself in my body; to make it easy and that it doesn’t require lots of time. You have an ability to create such safe spaces, and make everyone feel included. It’s great how you remind us to constantly listen to what one’s body needs! It is a unique course in that way, and at the same time easy to learn the skills.

Karolina Nyström
Home in my Body

It’s great that professionals like you can be found to brighten the lives of our seniors.

Erja Rajakangas, director, elderly home

A documentary from the inside that upsets us and conveys the fear of the nightly curfew, when the Israeli soldiers take control of the streets and randomly open fire” “The children play with grenades they’ve found on the ground. They imitate the sounds they make. Demonstrations and armed conflict are part of everyday life as walls are built up around the Palestinian town of Ni’lin, on the West Bank.

Gothenburg International Film Festival
Nilin Our Home

A course which enable me to connected with yoga nidra. A form of yoga that I really enjoyed. Grounded in ElinMarias professional, calm guidance. The course was structured in a way that enabled to be grounded in the processes of the course. I can recommend it strongly.

Yoga Nidra and self-compassion online course

It was such a touching and magical journey with the most loving group and a really sensitive, great pedagogue Gabriel. Thank you so much, looking forward 😍🐬💖

Mirjami Heikkinen
Aguahara basic training

To live and survive. Five people with different traumas in their baggage meet and tell in words and dance what their experiences have brought. The feeling of sadness and inadequacy is embodied in movement to the music and on the dance floor a deeply human community emerges. good-feel dance documentary about the darkness of life and a tribute to the body, conversation and the importance of feeling alive.

Katarina Sundman, Film Festival Sundsvall
Imprint -film
Incredibly well, you managed to motivate and keep their focus with the dance. The concentration was incredible even for children with npf problems.
Heidi Lindqvist, kindergarden teacher
Dans för barn

As an experienced paddler, I want to mention that it was a great trip and I was reminded exactly of techniques that were familiar at the time, but less used. In addition general easiness, vigilance and bringing us to magnificent sea scenery – for which I thank you. This dance teacher can also be a great seakayaking guide!

Sirpa Nieminen
Sea Kayaking

But ElinMaria, you learn on your own mat to land in your body and sort of push everything else away and just be for a little while. In the evening in bed, I can use yoga to relax. Yoga is so very good!

Liselott Fagerlund
Dynamic Hatha

You are very professional, gentle and considerate in guiding and inspiring other people. Everything in the course was well organised in every detail. You created a safe atmosphere and helped in getting contact with myself, others and the nature.

Silja Maki
Dance in nature

Yoga with ElinMaria provides peace and quiet and to find and feel your different muscles and body parts at a leisurely pace. The classes can be adapted to your own capacity and to skip the performance

Maria Lagström
Dynamic Hatha

A warm-hearted, honestly told travel book that depicts the lives of ordinary people in difficult conditions. The work serves as a travel guide, information resource, and cultural study. The work’s rich illustrations and clear narration are noteworthy.

Kainuu Literature Prize Jury
Aasian Syrjäpoluilla -kirja

Thank you so much for what was for me an amazingly unusual beautiful visit to nötö.
I love the way you guide meditation. So gentle and smooth and natural. Gave such a beautiful safe comforting feeling in my body and whole being.

Mindful Kayaking and Yoga retreat

Being able to work artistically with the film has meant, to me, that I got a chance to see my body as something artistic, a tool for expressing myself, something nice to show, which should just be just as it is, because that’s how it is meant to be. – these are thoughts about my body that I, as a disabled person, very easily forget among all other ideal images and media around where the norm is, far from the reality of how my body looks and seems … I am so grateful for that!

Marlene Bergqvist
Imprint Community Dance Project

Inspiring material and beautiful way to teach it piece by piece, encouraging us to discover. I love your teaching and what you share: creating the space and the atmosphere, teaching complex things piece by piece and GENTLY putting them together into complicated moving patterns without the students even realizing the difficulty. I also appreciate your honesty of not always knowing and sharing how you feel, that’s admirable!

Pauliina Kettunen
CI Intensives

ElinMaria’s classes are so nice. She explains the purpose and effects of the movements very well: we worked a lot on the back, neck and shoulders, and I felt the benefits for days afterwards. I’m sorry to miss the rest of this years’s programme but will certainly be back next year, Kiitos ElinMaria!

Patti Leino
Yoga weekly classes - Korppoo

I think Sydänvirta got the children on board very well right from the start, and it was interesting how they would use their bodies to express themselves and not their mouths.

Annette Holmén, Daycare teacher
Children's dance

When normal life and desperation are not kept apart but are melded together so that desperation becomes the norm, and everyday life becomes desperate, it is not the laughing, shooting Israeli soldiers who provoke the most (they are cinematically speaking a pathetic cliché) but the overwhelming feeling of hopelessness. It is impossible to distance oneself.

Nilin Our Home -film

The course was very relaxing to me and a soft approach to being.
Seemingly small thing but particularly worth mentioning was that you encouraged to do things fully in own rythm, to take and honor breaks.

Pasi Liimatainen
Yoga Nidra and Selfcompassion - online course

ElinMaria’s lessons are relaxing, the instructions are clear and precise. She motivates well the benefit with different movements. All in all, I am very satisfied

Ann-helen Saarinen
Dynamic Hatha

The children come out in a different way in the dance, in how they are together in the group; both individually and as a group. I have seen sides of the children that I have not seen before; maybe that some children are more shy and don’t take much space verbally but that the body can say so much more. I experienced in dance that children are capable of much more than we adults think, especially based on what we expect in terms of age.

Laura Garcia, kindergarten teacher
Children's dance

I can warmly recommend Elin Maria’s yoga. It provides increased mobility and creates an inner calm. The sessions are adapted to the participants and have a very permissive atmosphere

Katarina Isaksson
Soft Yoga

The Archipelago Dance was a moving and heartfull event that really got me connected to nature, myself and to others. The important elements: The trust in natures capacity to speak to us, to be present and open for the unknown, the wonderful gift of playfulness, the frames that made it all possible…the warm and allowing atmosphere. The depth of my trust in myself and my ability to accept myself and let me be truly alive grew during this time together, and afterward. I am very happy I got the opportunity to be a part of this – my most heartfelt thanks to you! I am looking forward to move with you again and be moved. <3

Monica Björk

The best Yoga out in nature. ElinMaria is a calm and clear instructor who can give different options of a movement. You can participate in ElinMaria’s yoga even if you have no previous experience. ElinMaria succeeds in creating a nice calm atmosphere. After the yoga you feel rested , energetic and satisfied. Can highly recommend ElinMaria as a yoga instructor!”

Niclas Nylund
Soft Yoga

Thank you for all the techniqal support. I felt the last days that I found some new softness and listening in my movement. I understood new ways to follow other bodies with a soft flow also while giving weight. That was a beautiful sensation.

Flow - Summer Intensive

I’ve participated in many of ElinMaria and Gabriel’s workshops and courses that they’ve held in Umeå, Sweden. And also co-arranged a couple of workshops. Their approach to dance (CI and dance improvisation) is playful and allowing. They have a great combination of giving clear instructions and listening and adapting to what the group needs. They are very present and encouraging, which makes you connect with yourself and the group on a deep level. Nourishing for both body and soul. I would describe their workshops as fun, light, playful and truly inspirational!

Stefan Andersson
CI Umeå

ElinMaria creates a safe space where she shares her deep knowledge and exercises. A room where it feels safe to share your own and take part in other people’s reflections on exercises and themes. Easy practical exercises to take with you in everyday life and absolutely wonderful yoga nidras ✨ recommend the course to everyone! ❤️

Yoga Nidra & självmedkänsla

But most of all I have noticed a shift in me, I am more calm and understanding toward myself. In these times when I am all by myself and restless feelings come up (mostly also thoughts of beeing not enough, doing wrongly and so on) I seem to connect on a deeper level with me and these strong thoughts and old beliefs calms down. So grateful for these experience together with you all and so grateful for experiencing my connection to the nature and animals even stronger than before. Thank you so much for your silence, your words and inviting to listening to my body.

Sylvia Backström
Home in my body

I take with me something that lets me be present, to value life as it appears, with sense that there’s always lightness and nice funny things to observe, and just be really kind in all circumstances.
The body is a friend, always supporting me, and it has wonderful ways to adapt. My special moment of this class was to embrace my body by the presence of conscious compassionate thought and sensing. ElinMaria you bring sych a nice atmosphere to your classes, I enjoy every time. Thank you. Life is short and sharing these together is like a most precious jewel in the darkest of times

Pasi Liimatainen
Home in my body

I am still really thankful for our weekend, I really liked the pace we were having and you showing trust in the time and pace so I didn’t need to become unpatient about it. I am very thankful for the guidance of ElinMaria during this workshop – remembering me of my own supporting qualities of breath and heartbeat, finding the strength for clarity.

Frauke Beiersdorf
Home in my body

It is very useful to break the way you do things in a certain way and to try something new. You come from outside and open doors for the kids that we might not be able to do here. It’s great fun to see how dance can become a common language for everyone, where the children can do something together regardless of how the children otherwise speak and what their mother tongue is. I think it’s great fun! It is something we need; that very thing of being able to talk to the body.

Tiina Mattio, kindergarten teacher
Children's dance

These are two amazing teachers of land and water movement! Thank you for teaching us in the Koh Chang festival! I so much appreciated your gentle and sensitive approach. I keep so many guidelines , you truly shifted my perception for movement in the water. I can now dance so much more freely and effortlessly, and experience every moment as pure pleasure Thank you from the heart, what you offer is a gift.

Ageliki Papadopoulou
Water and Land Contact Festival in Thailand

Thank you for the course Metsätanssit! You are very professional, gentle and considerate in guiding and inspiring other people. Everything in the course was well organized in every detail. You created a safe atmosphere and helped in getting contact with myself, others and the nature

Silja Mäki

I recommend! The wonderful island of Nötö and the kayaking guides

Ulla Eerikäinen
Sea Kayaking

A great kayaking trip in the archipelago sea.
Soul and mind nourishment at its best. Thank you 💚

Johanna Suominen
Sea Kayaking

Yoga with ElinMaria has been good for my fibromyalgia, that I feel stronger and relax better in my body. When you have pain in your body, you tense up, but after yoga I feel really light

Inga-Britt Sjöström
Morning Yoga

With ElinMaria, yoga doesn’t have to be so complicated. I can use the exercises in my everyday life, if the exercises were too cumbersome I wouldn’t use them

Anita Bergman
Dynamic Hatha

Thank you so much for beeing, for your teaching and for changing our lives!
The course changed my life so much that I can´t describe it, so much pain that has been released, so much creativity is growing and showing!

Aguahara 3 weeks training Thailand

This has been a fantastic and important experience. The filming, the process was fun and it is special to experience. It was a big challenge for me to dare to dance. But in time, I let go and it became fun. You got us to see the beauty in each individual’s expression. You created an accepting atmosphere. I have grown by daring to let go of the barriers and open up.

Sahar Svedberg
Imprint Community Dance Project

It was such a touching and magical journey with the most loving group and a really sensitive, great pedagogue Gabriel. Thank you so much, looking forward 😍🐬💖

Mirre Heikkinen
AguaHara basic training

I have found a welcoming atmosphere, a great group and a program to fully relax and embrace the warmth of my own self via the body&soul connection exercises offered, thanks to ElinMaria facilitating this as well as the great group we were all toghether! The sauna with singing / ceremonials and the sea dips were as refreshing as a month of holiday!… Many thanks to all participants!.. Let’s do it again!

Silvia Lapenna
Yoga Retreat in Korppoo

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