Children’s Dance

The feet of a group of children and colourful fabrics
Through dance, play and movement, children are given a platform to explore cooperation and motorical skills. The children integrate experiences of giving and taking place through the body, being fast or slow, big and small, portraying emotions such as joy and fear, portraying images and solving problems without competition. Imagination takes on new dimensions when the body is allowed to be the base.
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It is very useful to break the way you do things in a certain way and to try something new. You come from outside and open doors for the kids that we might not be able to do here. It’s great fun to see how dance can become a common language for everyone, where the children can do something together regardless of how the children otherwise speak and what their mother tongue is. I think it’s great fun! It is something we need; that very thing of being able to talk to the body.

Tiina Mattio, kindergarten teacher
Children's dance

The children come out in a different way in the dance, in how they are together in the group; both individually and as a group. I have seen sides of the children that I have not seen before; maybe that some children are more shy and don’t take much space verbally but that the body can say so much more. I experienced in dance that children are capable of much more than we adults think, especially based on what we expect in terms of age.

Laura Garcia, kindergarten teacher
Children's dance

I think Sydänvirta got the children on board very well right from the start, and it was interesting how they would use their bodies to express themselves and not their mouths.

Annette Holmén, Daycare teacher
Children's dance
Incredibly well, you managed to motivate and keep their focus with the dance. The concentration was incredible even for children with npf problems.
Heidi Lindqvist, kindergarden teacher
Dans för barn

Dance for children – education in kindergarten, preschool and primary school.

Equality work with the focsu for body. Through dance, value-based and equality work is put into practice. In a playful way, the children gain access to different parts of themselves and develop physical, emotional and social abilities such as communication, motorical skills and contact with their feelings. The children practice skills such as giving and taking place, leading and following, bodily boundaries and bodily communication. We can dance for the joy of dancing but also to gain greater access to all aspects of our body, create new experiences in interaction with others and for an expanded dimension of dynamics in the relationship between educator and child.

The aim is for everyone to have access to their bodies, increased ability to interact, put everyone’s equal value into practice and in the long run, provide more equal opportunities for good health and safety from violence.

The children come along on a fairy tale journey where a book is read in linguistic playfulness, interspersed with both Swedish and Finnish. The children can then use movement to explore dance as language for storytelling.

Moving Heart has broad and solid experience working with children and is passionate about creating spaces for children where imagination can flow and the feeling of freedom and joy of movement can take place. We think it is the right of all children to explore movement and meet in artistic contexts, where the whole person can take place.
Together we have many years of experience to teach dance in school and pre-school setting as we have done several projects with dance in libraries.

ElinMaria Sydänvirta is trained in children’s dance at Umeå University and the Ballet Academy (Sweden), Dance for Health instructor as well as independent courses in creative dance. I have long and wide experience of leading dance for children both at dance school, library, in childcare and school. During the years 2013-2016, I trained teachers in dance as a method for equal treatment in Umeå Municipality, Vindelns Municipality and Åre Municipality in Sweden. She is as well a certified Dance For Health instructor.

Gabriel Sydänvirta has a broad professional competence for cultural and cross-art projects with Children. He has worked as a community artist in more than 50 countries around the world bringing dance and art to the most remote places for example mountain villages of Kyrgyzstan, desert of Kazakhstan, island of Haiti and rainforest of Ecuador. Gabriel has been playing and working with kids in refugee camps, village partys, desert island and orphanages as well traveled for three years through Asia with an old art bus bringing art, culture and workshops for the children of the world.

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